IKEA has been, for a while, a leading industry to affordable design, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that more and more consumers get inspired by its products and become more creative with them. Today I have gathered some IKEA hacks that has character and elegance. The first one is an Ivar IKEA hack…
2018 - September
There will always be a project that can make you feel jealous and the Brighton Concept Home is one of those projects. Designed by Canny, an award-winning Melbourne studio, this house stands out for its confidently minimalist space with careful detailing and thoughtful choice of materials. As you can see for yourselves the quality of the…
Today on the blog is featuring this beautifully renovated house from Alexander & Co in Sydney, Australia with a minimal aura. This project really makes a difference, because of all the delicate and gentle designing decisions that take advantage of the existing elements of the house and smoothly incorporate them with the contemporary ones. The…
The latest work of Greydeco is the new offices of a financial company and they feel like home. The initial creative goal was to achieve a harmonious and luxurious areas for the clients, as well as comfortable and peaceful areas to work at, for the employees. The natural tones and the materials were carefully chosen…
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